Trve. Cvlt. Pop!

Welcome back to Trve. Cvlt Pop! where we look at popular music in a podcast format. This week Steve and Gaz are looking at all of their favourite releases from the month of January. We review new music from The Smile, Fakear, Future Islands (who Steve also saw in concert this week), Black Grape, Sleater Kinney, Unlearn the World, Keyon Harrold, Sprints, Ulysses Owen Jnr and Generation Y, Josiah Soren, Leaf Dog and Bolts of Melody. 

There is also a quick chat about Depeche Mode live for the third time in a week (there is a reason, trust) and we introduce our new feature Lvst. Cvlt. Pop! with a 1990 UK rap banger that you may well have forgotten about. And we slag off Green Day, because, why not!
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What is Trve. Cvlt. Pop!?

Trve. Cvlt. Pop! Is a music podcast that doesn’t care about genre.