Outrage Factory

Outrage Factory Trailer Bonus Episode 231 Season 1

231: U.F.NO

231: U.F.NO231: U.F.NO

What made the internet angry this Week?
Dale is angry that Starbucks upped the Star amount it takes to redeem for free drinks. Are people still worked up about that thing we used to be worked up about? 
Can you still get canceled for talking about it? 
Were they Balloons? Were they Alien craft? Where did they come from? The only thing we know about these 3 Unidentified things we shot down is that we know nothing about these 3 things we shot down.  
People are upset about You People for the dumbest reason.
People are upset about Harry Potter Legacy but it has nothing to do with the game and just about JK Rowling.
An AI generated Seinfeld show on twitch got canceled for saying anti-trans stuff.
AI is getting pretty crazy. 

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What is Outrage Factory?

We're the world's leading only internet outrage-related podcast, taking a good hard look at the things that made social media mad this week, and explaining why you're dumb for caring.