RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way

Kamini works with a lot of high-functioners and over-givers, and without realizing it, they’re typically primed for covert emotional abuse. This is because whenever something goes wrong, they can feel so, so responsible for the problem and like it was their doing all along. All it takes is to be around someone who doesn’t have the best intentions, and these high-funciones are off to the races with self-doubt and they end up validating someone else’s bad treatment and behavior.    We have to start naming things out loud so that it becomes more normalized and you can also recognize the signs a lot quicker. Covert emotional abuse can sound like very strong words when it can be applied to your partner, your boss, or even a family member, but we need this type of language so that we can begin to work through it, walk away from it, and heal from it.    Covert emotional abuse isn’t that visible for most people because it’s so subtle. It is often a collection of emotional abuse instances that make it covert. For example, one siloed incident in itself could very well be innocent. However, if there is a collection of emotional abuse patterns, no matter how quiet it may seem, that’s when you need to perk you ears up and start paying attention to the collective signs of what this external person might be saying to you or doing to you.  Now, let’s    Continue Your Growth Journey: Kaminiwood.com  

Show Notes

Kamini works with a lot of high-functioners and over-givers, and without realizing it, they’re typically primed for covert emotional abuse. This is because whenever something goes wrong, they can feel so, so responsible for the problem and like it was their doing all along. All it takes is to be around someone who doesn’t have the best intentions, and these high-funciones are off to the races with self-doubt and they end up validating someone else’s bad treatment and behavior. 


We have to start naming things out loud so that it becomes more normalized and you can also recognize the signs a lot quicker. Covert emotional abuse can sound like very strong words when it can be applied to your partner, your boss, or even a family member, but we need this type of language so that we can begin to work through it, walk away from it, and heal from it. 


Covert emotional abuse isn’t that visible for most people because it’s so subtle. It is often a collection of emotional abuse instances that make it covert. For example, one siloed incident in itself could very well be innocent. However, if there is a collection of emotional abuse patterns, no matter how quiet it may seem, that’s when you need to perk you ears up and start paying attention to the collective signs of what this external person might be saying to you or doing to you. 

Now, let’s 


Continue Your Growth Journey:



What is RiseUp - Live Joy Your Way?

Kamini Wood works with high achievers on letting go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety that comes with trying to do everything, and trying to do it all perfectly