The Rubio Method

Let's talk about a no-brainer, flubbed numbers, a video that will dissolve soon, a double no-brainer and a coach taking a stand....  

The Rundown with Rubio for Tuesday, June 11th, 2024  

Everything Happens for a Reason - Hunter Biden has been found guilty of gun charges, faces 25 years in prison. All related to a gun purchase where he falsely claimed he wasn’t a drug user.  

There are Winners and Losers in Life - FBI has announced that crime has plummeted in the 1st quarter of 2024. Murder down 26.4%, rape down 25.7%, robbery down 17%, assault down 12.5%, property crime down 15.1%, buuuuuuut cities are not reporting majority of crimes.  

Accept and Embrace - New video has emerged of Nancy Pelosi on Jan.6th admitting to not securing the Capitol before the riot. “I take responsibility for not having the Capitol Police prepare for more.”  

Working Hard is Not Enough - Nearly 10,000 jobs have been lost in California after Governor Newsom raised the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour. Burger King has said 25% of franchises have kiosks and the other 75% will have them within 60 days.   

Confidence is the Key - Connecticut’s Dan Hurley has turned down the Los Angeles Lakers six-year, $70 million offer to chase a third straight national championship.

What is The Rubio Method?

The Rubio Method is a show to keep you entertained and educated on current topics that range from sports to politics to pop culture. Guarantee you will laugh and learn through every episode.

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