The Work of Warriors

Interview with Íce Mrozek, actor, film director, and all-around creative. This episode highlights his beautiful comeback story, from being suicidal to living with resilience and purpose. Íce shares with us his experience with being hopeless, and suicidal. 
He is honest and raw about his experiences and claims that while life is still painful at times, he navigates it from a place of empowerment and resiliency. He is a storyteller on a mission, and you will surely find him endearing and inspiring. Following his chosen path, Íce started The Company of Actors, an extraordinary outlet for dedicated actors to not only hone their craft but to find their true purpose. Íce has become one of the most prominent and respected acting coaches in Los Angeles with his unique ability to cultivate depth and authenticity from his students in an environment that is nurturing and inspiring. Thank you for your support of The Work of Warriors. Thank you for joining us on this episode of The Work of Warriors. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe and leave us a review. Stay inspired and keep fighting for yourself. Until next time!

Creators & Guests

Kim Rapach
Creator & Host - The Work of Warriors
Ice Mrozek
Following his chosen path, Íce started The Company of Actors, an extraordinary outlet for dedicated actors to hone their craft, he has become one of the most prominent and respected acting coaches in Los Angeles with his unique ability to cultivate depth and authenticity from his students in an environment that is nurturing and inspiring.
Mac Rapach
Editor, Designer, Composer - The Work of Warriors
Mike Rapach
Producer - The Work of Warriors

What is The Work of Warriors?

A warrior is defined as one who is in conflict and sacrifices themselves for the
good of others. Sadly, in the entertainment industry, and the world of
entrepreneurship, this perspective is dangerous. To stay alive, amidst our
struggles, we must first fight for ourselves and then fight for the masses. My
name is Kim Rapach and I am an integrative coach on a mission to end celebrity
suicide. My life’s work is to help entrepreneurs and entertainers escape the
darkness that often accompanies high levels of success. What an honor it is to
have crucial conversations around entertainment, entrepreneurship, and mental
health. “The Work of Warriors” is a series of brave conversations with talented
entertainers, and entrepreneurs who are not only using their gifts to make the
world a better place, they are modeling mental wellness in ways that inspire
others. For our purpose of bringing healing to the world, a warrior’s task is to take
great care of themselves, so they may take great care of others. The work of a
warrior, for us, is someone who has radical self-acceptance and uses their gifts to
make a profound impact on the world. If we are going to have a positive impact
on the entertainment industry, we need to do THREE things: 1. Normalize candid
conversations around mental health 2. Redefine success so that it aligns with
mental wellness 3. Engage with each other from a place of self-love, and healthy
boundaries When we fight for ourselves, we heal the world. Therefore, the world
needs more people who are willing to fight for themselves. As warriors on the
front lines, it is our greatest hope that these conversations will inspire high
achievers to care well for themselves and ask for help when they need it.
Together, we are all warriors, redefining mental health as mental wellness, and
healing the world, one warrior at a time. SPECIAL NOTE To all entertainers,
without all of you, we have nothing. Sincerely, thank you for your work, for using
your gifts to heal the world. If you are struggling, please reach out to your local
community resources, or call the National Suicide Hotline, 988.