Risk Commentary

New website = riskcommentary.ca
ERM, for some, consists solely of Financial Risk Management. Is this sound? We offer commentary on quantitative modelling and its place in Enterprise Risk Management.
  1. Quantitative methods examples
  2. Chief limitations of quantitative models
  3. Proprietary internal risk rating systems
  4. Forecasts and probability estimates
  5. 2008-2009: crisis in risk management methods?
  6. Strategy and market risks scuttle the company 
  7. Recommendations
  8. Quotes from the financial experts
  9. What constitutes due diligence?
  10. What is the worldview informing the faith in quantitative models?

”...a new kind of blindness: the one induced by new technology and elaborate quantitative models.”
(B. Voyles ) Voyles and other financial experts mentioned quoted in Robertson, p.98

”...much more is being underwritten, correlated, and contemplated [by major insurers] than the traditional hazard risks.”
Interview with LoriAnn Lowery-Biggers and Sean Murphy by John Czuba; see EP01.

Blog post: Economic Crisis: Why ERM Did Not Fail
E. Robertson 2016 Solving the Enterprise Risk Management Puzzle: Secrets to Successful Implementation 

What is Risk Commentary?

New website: RiskCommentary.ca We see a contradiction: increased need for Enterprise Risk Management, while risk managers report low perceived value of their processes. High Quality Risk Assessment addresses uncertainty and helps solve chronic business problems. Join Edward Robertson, successful ERM practitioner, to discover a simple process that delivers clear value.