Work Less, Earn More

Every month, I’m peeling back the curtain and sharing the ins & outs of my monthly revenue.


These income reports are an in-depth and honest look at how much my business earned, what it cost, and how many hours it took me to do it.


This is the very last income report of 2020. I’m glad I committed to doing monthly income reports -- it gave me accountability to really look at the numbers regularly and see exactly how things were going.


Every month, I’ve felt like we didn’t do very well: like we didn’t earn very much, like we spent too much, and like we worked too much.


But when the month finally wrapped and I looked at the numbers… we’d done awesome!


That’s what I like about numbers: they tell us the truth. Unlike our subjective perspective, which is highly distorted by emotion.


So let’s dive into the numbers.


In every income report, I share which tasks and projects really ended up paying me best so that you can see how I’m optimizing my business so that I can work less and earn more over time. Plus, you’ll get a time report, breaking down the time I spend on each activity and how that created a financial result (or not).

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How we earned $37,530.08 in November
  • What we learned from last year’s Black Friday promotion and what we did differently this year
  • Why our income month-to-month isn’t always tied to that month’s activities
  • Why we spent most of this month planning for 2021


What is Work Less, Earn More?

Work Less, Earn More is the podcast that explores how to get the most out of every hour you work. Gillian Perkins brings more than a decade of experience as an entrepreneur and educator to help you design a business that's not only flexible and fulfilling, but highly profitable. She shares strategies that are working in her own business to save time and maximize profits. She also features interviews with successful business owners on how they’re achieving big things in their businesses with crazy-little time investment. Share Work Less, Earn More with an overworked entrepreneur you know who could use a change of pace!