Kalam Astro

We start with a sobering discussion - over time, light pollution may cause the night sky to become completely black. We explore this dismal prospect.

Did you know meteors can strike Earth with no warning at all? A scary fact about these natural space rocks is covered.

For our facts segment, listeners will enjoy learning fun facts revealed by studying our trusty moon, from its role in the early solar system to clues in its composition.

Details are also provided about life aboard the International Space Station, where crews are living and working in space right now.
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What is Kalam Astro?

Alya Al Nuaimi invites you to embark on an intergalactic adventure through the cosmos with Kalam Astro. Stay up to date with the latest global and local astronomy news, including interviews with industry experts, and discover the secrets of the universe with mind-bending theories. Want some helpful tips on stargazing? Alya has got you covered.