The Devon Kershaw Show by FasterSkier

Oh, you thought we were done? Nat had the chance to interview Norwegian cross-country skiing legend Petter Northug Jr. for his story for the New York Times about the Holmenkollen ski marathons. Rather than leave the audio on the cutting room floor, we thought we'd share it with you. 

Sorry about the audio quality and the frequent interjections from Nat, but this was not originally intended as podcast-quality material — turn it off if you must. And, full disclosure: if profanity isn't for you, skip the 30 seconds between 9:30 and 10:00. (But if profanity is for you, by all means let it ride.)

Devon and Nat will be back soon — we promise. Hit us with questions or feedback at and

What is The Devon Kershaw Show by FasterSkier?

As a former World Champion and veteran World Cup cross-country ski racer, Kershaw provides an unfiltered look at elite level cross-country ski racing. Tune in after every World Cup weekend.