Chad Miller was battling niggles and struggling to see performance gains with his running schedule. After jumping on a free injury chat with me, he learnt the principles of a well-balanced training plan. Six weeks later I received this message: “Hi brodie. I wanted to send a huge thank you for our webchat a month or so ago. I've been using the excel log chart and my running has massively improved. I am injury and niggle free and for the first time since I started running in 2018. I raced ten kilometres last week and came within eight seconds of a PR without planning it and having more in the tank. I'm only halfway through my training block with this approach but it's really been a game-changer. At forty-two years old I am achieving a lot more than I did in my peak years”. I got Chad on to talk about his process including his past training philosophy, his current process and the keys to his success. Become a patron! Receive Run Smarter Emails Book a FREE Injury chat with Brodie Run Smarter App IOS or Android Podcast Facebook group Run Smarter Course with code 'PODCAST' for 3-day free trial.
Expand your running knowledge, identify running misconceptions and become a faster, healthier, SMARTER runner. Let Brodie Sharpe become your new running guide as he teaches you powerful injury insights from his many years as a physiotherapist while also interviewing the best running gurus in the world. This is ideal for injured runners & runners looking for injury prevention and elevated performance. So, take full advantage by starting at season 1 where Brodie teaches you THE TOP PRINCIPLES TO OVERCOME ANY RUNNING INJURY and let’s begin your run smarter journey.