Parade Deck Friday Playlist

Every transition comes with challenges whether it is starting a new job, moving to a new city or completely changing your life. One of the most difficult transitions is leaving the military. Veterans often hear “thank you for your service” which is nice, but what we need is an opportunity for job, a career, a direction. Like everyone, a veteran simply wants to belong.

Guest: Dave Nordel, a retired United States Air Force Command Chief Master Sergeant with over 30 years of service

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What is Parade Deck Friday Playlist?

Every Friday, tune in to the Parade Deck Friday Playlist, a curated selection of episodes from the Parade Deck Military Podcast Network. This playlist is more than just a collection of stories; it's a rhythmic march through the experiences and insights of those who've served. Each week, we feature a diverse lineup of podcasts that encapsulate the spirit, challenges, and camaraderie of military life.