Rolling Hills Community Church // Nashville West Campus

For many, the start of a new year is a fresh, clean slate, and setting a resolution is a way to dictate what they'll prioritize that new year.

But, unfortunately, it's more common not to follow through on a resolution than it is for one to complete it. Why is that?

Well, one reason could be that we are creating too lofty of goals. Another could be the way in which we view our "resolution." So, we propose a shift in how you think about your goals this new year.

First, start with one single step of how you want to grow in your faith this new year. It could be joining a group, being in God's Word daily, praying consistently, or something else. Choose just one thing to focus on.

Secondly, rather than calling it a "resolution," shift to calling it a "commitment." Committing to something means that you are making a decision to do (or not do) something. Tell a friend or accountability partner what your commitment is, and ask them to follow up with you. 

Friend, pray over and consider what God is calling you to grow in this new year. With His help, you can make a commitment and grow in 2024.

What is Rolling Hills Community Church // Nashville West Campus?

This podcast is dedicated to the Sunday morning teaching series happening each week at Rolling Hills Church in Nashville, TN.