Big Shot Marketing & Design Podcast

You’ve probably heard A LOT about AI lately…

“It’s going to replace us! It’s going to take over the world! It’s going to take steal all of our private information!” 

We won’t be getting too deep into the general ethics and power of AI in the world right now. That’s a rabbit hole we don’t really want to dive into at the moment. In this blog, we’ll be talking about the crazy world of AI Art, and if it’s something you can use to help elevate the visuals of your small business. 

Artificial Psychology Book:
View All The AI Art Piece We Discuss In This Blog:

What is Big Shot Marketing & Design Podcast?

We won't be boring. We promise. Big Shot Marketing & Design is a podcast that discusses marketing and design topics that are relevant for any business, no matter the industry. From digital marketing strategies to logo design and magazine ads, this podcast will help you push your business in new directions without making you fall asleep.