Why Mums Don't Jump

Helen meets the freelance writer, Sarah Haselwood, who's lived with pelvic pain since the birth of her first son 7 years ago. Sarah talks about her traumatic birth, her long journey to diagnose a hypertonic (tight) pelvic floor and the jaw-dropping treatment which gave her back her life.

Sarah is @corporatetokids on Instagram and @CorporatetoKids on Twitter
Sarah's website is: https://corporatetokids.com/

Find more: www.whymumsdontjump.com
Instagram: @whymumsdontjump

Show Notes

Helen meets the freelance writer, Sarah Haselwood, who's lived with pelvic pain since the birth of her first son 7 years ago. Sarah talks about her traumatic birth, her long journey to diagnose a tight pelvic floor and the jaw-dropping treatment which gave her back her life.

Sarah is @corporatetokids on Instagram and @CorporatetoKids on Twitter
Sarah's website is: https://corporatetokids.com/

Find more: www.whymumsdontjump.com
Instagram: @whymumsdontjump

What is Why Mums Don't Jump?

One woman’s mission to end the stigma around leaks and lumps after childbirth. Honest chat about incontinence, prolapse and pelvic pain. Not a trampoline in sight. Hosted by Helen Ledwick.