The BetterLife Podcast: Wealth | Real Estate Investing | Life

Brian Murray is an investor, best-selling author of three books about multifamily real estate, Co-founder and Key Principal of Open Door Capital, and ultramarathoner.

In this episode, Brian talks about his investing journey from $30,000 teacher salary to $1 Billion assets under management, his partnership with Brandon, embracing long-distance running and spirituality in recent years, and putting his hard-won wisdom into a new book.

-What he learned from working in a toxic startup culture that destroyed his physical and mental health
-"F You Money" and walking away from a job that compromises your morals
- How he went from schoolteacher to owning offices and apartment buildings 
- How he turned a poorly-performing asset into a cash cow
- Using creative financing early in his career
- Writing the world's best-selling self-published real estate book
- How to vet potential business partners and the story behind Open Door Capital
- Buying a ranch, working with his hands, and living a minimalist lifestyle
- Running 50+ miles at a time
- How owning more stuff complicates your life
- His advice to people who can't figure out what to focus on
- His spiritual life and a transformative trip to Nepal
- Why he's writing a highly personal book dedicated to his grown children

Brian's Charitable Cause:
Friendly Fields Farm Sanctuary, a rescue and rehabilitation sanctuary for farm animals facing abandonment, neglect, and abuse.

Connect with Brian:
- Instagram 

Books Mentioned in this Episode:
- Welcome to my Garden: A Father’s Gift of Reflections, Life Lessons, and Advice by Brian Murray
- Crushing It in Apartments and Commercial Real Estate by Brian Murray
- The Multifamily Millionaire, Volume I and Volume II
- Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty
- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- Loving What Is by Byron Katie

Link to Buy Audiobook
Link to Buy Physical Book

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What is The BetterLife Podcast: Wealth | Real Estate Investing | Life?

Uncover the secrets to living a BetterLife with us - investors and friends, Brandon Turner & Cam Cathcart. Join our conversations about real estate investing, wealth building, and lifestyle design with industry experts and seasoned entrepreneurs. Join us as we explore the habits, actions, and beliefs that will lead you to your BetterLife without losing your soul.