Cedarville Stories

A Miraculous Recovery 
Join us on this heartfelt episode as we dive into a season of gratitude and miracles! Our special guest, Dr. Michael McKay, Assistant Professor of Biblical Theology, and his wife, Lee-Ann, share their riveting life-threatening journey that brings a heartfelt appreciation and thankfulness to the McKay family. 

Picture a chill on a Saturday morning in June — Michael thought it was just the usual morning creaks and groans. Little did he know he was on the verge of a journey that could claim his life. Suddenly, his left leg went numb, and he needed to slide down the steps from his second-floor to get help from Lee-Ann.  

Off they zoomed to Greene Memorial Hospital in Xenia, Ohio, suspecting Michael had experienced a stroke. However, the CT chest scan revealed a much scarier plotline — a dissected aorta and a quick trip by ambulance to Kettering Medical Center in Kettering, Ohio, for emergency surgery. 

During the 10-hour surgery that was performed by Dr. Peter Pavlina and his dream team of medical professionals, Michael survived the medical odds and survived the surgery. As family and friends prayed for Michael and his family, he was making a triumphant recovery, that two months later would see him return to the classroom at Cedarville University.  

In his own words, "By all the statistics, I should be dead." But here he is, chatting with Cedarville public relations, declaring, "I'm in the bonus round." Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we unpack this incredible journey of faith, resilience, and a touch of divine luck! 

What is Cedarville Stories?

Cedarville Stories podcast shares the stories of individuals who have been impacted from their experiences at Cedarville University, all for God's glory. Each week you’ll hear unique stories of how Cedarville’s mission of transforming lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority is being lived out in the lives of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of the University.

Listen in each Wednesday and be blessed by some of the amazing ways God is working in and through the lives of the Cedarville family.