Are We There Yet?

What is the one crucial aspect of leadership that correlates directly with the success of a team? Research shows a clear answer—but to get to it, first you must define success, and how you choose to measure it. Join Sonja and Jamie in a conversation with Gerda-Marie Adenau, a global communications manager and philosopher focused on leadership and ethics, on asking the right questions to get the most valuable answers. During the pandemic, she conducted narrative interviews to build a theory of transformational leadership, in times of both crisis and calm. Her conclusion? Aligning managers' actions with teams’ expectations is more important than cultivating an outcome-focused—and often inauthentic—leadership style.

The future of work in today’s AI world is unwritten, and successful leaders must be observant, flexible, and responsive to the people they serve. Rather than asking themselves, what kind of leader do I want to be, or who do I want to be in the world, the better question is: what kind of world shall we build?

What is Are We There Yet??

Are We There Yet? is about recognizing, defining, and building pathways toward a more sustainable working future. How can we collaborate with others in a way that brings authenticity and durability to our projects and relationships? What tools can we leverage to communicate productively towards a shared goal? What can leaders do to shape where we’re going, and how to get there? Hosts Sonja Ernst and Jamie Hardy are two humans on a quest to understand just where we’re headed, in monthly conversations with pioneers, professors, artists, and experts in the fields of science, technology, placemaking, coalition building, AI, and so much more. Whether you're a business leader, a technology enthusiast, or simply curious about the future of how we do things, this podcast is for you.