Ascend Men

In this new season we're going to cover healthy friendships, singleness, dating, marriage and even life after a relationship, i.e. being single again. Whatever your interest, you'll know others at different stages so come back every week for a deep-dive into each area.

A huge thanks to Annabel Wheeldon-Clarke of Engage for helping me put this season together.

Today we're doing an overview i.e. what it means to have “Healthy Relationships” with Annabel and Nathan Blackaby of Christian Vision for Men.

The Relationships Venn diagram explained by Annabel is at the bottom of this page.

Check out the book: "7 Reasons Your Church Needs More Men: How to lead a gender balanced church supporting healthy singleness, dating, marriage and youth"

Annabel refers to the work on Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. See more at Cloud-Townsend Resources.

Curious after the conversation on Love Languages? There's plenty of info on the Interweb but here's a good start point (including a quick quiz).

ASCEND CAMP 24 - 7/8th June, Thetford Forest
By the time you see this, we might be out of spaces. Check Brushfire for the latest.
Camp 23 bloke: "It just keeps on getting better. An amazing experience and fun to see it grow."


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Imagine a community of men who are challenged, inspired and equipped to live passionate lives for Jesus. A place where men-care-for-men through a small number of honest personal relationships initiated and supported by regular male-oriented events. Relationships are built shoulder-to-shoulder doing stuff in preference to eye-balling each other!

Ascend Men is that community.

Our podcasts reflect that desire to challenge, inspire and equip our men. Some are light-hearted easy-listens. Some deserve to be digested and pondered. If you love them, tell us - we could do with the encouragement. If you can see ways they could be improved, tell us - feedback is a gift.

Join our Facebook group or email us ( to hear more about our fantastic breakfasts in Cambridge, Bury and Colchester as well as our Camp in June.

What is Ascend Men?

It's a bunch of men who want to do life together and in doing so, get closer to God, to each other and to those around us. This podcast supports that mission, by inspiring and equipping men to be who God intended them to be.