The Travelling Wellness Show

The natural health industry would not be the same without the input of health crusader, Frank Caruso. Shannon & Frank sit down to tell the Frank Caruso story.

Show Notes

    "If you make enough time for your health, you'll have enough health for a good time”  -Frank Caruso     Welcome to episode 28 of the travelling wellness show   In the world of corporate businessmen, you will be hard pressed to find another man who lives and breathes the passion of his craft more than Frank Caruso. Above profitability, Frank considers legacy his prime motivator, and by legacy, he mean you and yours. In its own way Frank's story is a bit of a fairy tale, as his passion for health came as a subsequent extension of his own learning while working as a Mazda motor mechanic in the late 1970's. It was to be a book which forever changed the way Frank viewed his own body, and sparked an enormous interest in what this could also mean for others. Not long later Frank washed his hands of grease for the last time, and opened a small health food retail store to further explore his passion for health. This is where the bug was born and Frank went on to grow an international health food empire, now known as Caruso's Natural Health.   Few people are as generous with their time, and fewer business owners stand 100% behind their brand. Frank still occasions retail staff training events that other heads of business avoid, and to this day still calls new retail accounts to thank them for choosing to support the brand which supports so many others; the Caruso brand.     “ Behind everything I have achieved in this life lies my wife, Grace. She went without a family home for many years as she supported my passion for the natural health industry”   -Frank C     We discuss


*Frank's early years as a motor mechanic and the book which would forever change his life for the better *Franks career mentors & prime influencers who helped pave the way *The #1 bugbear which caused Frank to randomly examine the shopping trolley's of his customers & ask the questions which needed to be asked *The process of detoxification and Frank's personal fascination with it. *The secrets of Frank's success, and his advice to you . *Frank's recent ketogenic diet discovery, and what this diet could mean for you   The extended Caruso family is very dear to my heart, and that of my family. Within the group, Frank is very much 'leader' & 'big brother', keeping the ship well steered with a strong will, lazer focus & masses of humility. Within the Australian health industry he is respected by most and revered by many. From me Frank, just thank you. No person has influenced my direction, provided unparalleled support or been as generous as you. Hopefully one day you'll let me pick up the restaurant bills! Much love mate, Shannon...

What is The Travelling Wellness Show?

Not any old Health and Wellness podcast!!

Join Clinical practitioner Shannon Brenton, as he packs up his clinic and hits the road full time to connect with Australia's most experienced and influential talents in the health and wellness space.

Combining with many of the people Shannon has worked with over the years, these are the stories often never told. Bare boned truths, industry secrets and the personal experiences of industry leaders that most never get to hear from.

Educational, inspirational and entertaining, the outcome is a thought provoking collection of conversations aimed at equipping the average person with the tools and perspectives required to live a better life in modern times.