Moving Radio

Christian Zyp interviews Layla Staat about the documentary BOIL ALERT. It screens Sat Nov 25th at 4:30 pm as part of CUFF.Docs at the Globe Cinema in Calgary. Layla Staats and Michelle Thrush will be in attendance for a Q&A following the screening.

BOIL ALERT follows activist Layla Staats as she embarks on a dual journey to explore the Indigenous relationship to water as well as her own identity struggles she has grappled with her entire life as a Mohawk Woman. Layla explores her past through the lens of uncovering why there is a lack of access to drinking water for many First Nations. There are currently 32 long-term boil-water advisories in 28 communities across Canada; drinkable water isn’t a reality for all living in this country.

What is Moving Radio?

Moving Radio focuses on Albertan, Canadian, and independent cinema. Join host/producer Christian Zyp and contributors Lindsey Campbell, Mark Davies & Lucas Anders monthly for entertaining interviews, film reviews, and anything else silver screen related.