Living Rock Podcast

Jesus said that if we knew Him we would know God the Father (John 14:7-9), because He and His Father are One (John 17:21). Taking this is as our starting point, we look briefly at the seven miraculous “signs” described in John’s Gospel, and consider what they tell us about Jesus and what they tell us about God.  Bottom-line?  He is a Wonderful, Loving, Powerful, Caring Father!  And He wants us to know Him. 

What is Living Rock Podcast?

Living Rock Church is a friendly, growing Christian church, meeting each week in Stoney Stanton, Atherstone, Market Harborough & Kenya. We’ve discovered that Jesus changes lives, heals bodies, restores families and gives meaning and purpose to us all. We’re convinced that church should be positive, practical, relevant and great fun! This podcast contains audio recordings from our Sunday gatherings.