The H Word

Becky and Dan discuss the myths of cancel culture and hope in online media and Becky chats with clown extraordinaire, Helen Donnelly, about performance, illness and more. Covered: Sponsorship, Mark Andrada, We Like Theme Parks!, stink candles, The Letter, Sandy Hudson, Bad Dog Theatre, Coko Galore, UHF, cable access, Kirsten Rasmussen, Ayaka Kinugawa, Ajahnis Charley, Daphney Joseph, the Cop Out App, clown, bird watching, skepticism, atheism, Red Nose Remedy, therapeutic clowning, virtual therapy, gambits, make-up, minstrelsy, multiple myeloma, cancer, broke artists, warrior narratives, the cadence of health care, social supports, ODSP, CERB & more!

What is The H Word ?

Toronto-based actor/writer/comedian/sadsacks, Becky Johnson and Dan Beirne, chat with thoughtful and interesting guests to unpack the notion of HOPE for a new, bleak decade. and @thehwordpod on social media.