Connecting Dots

Connecting Dots Trailer Bonus Episode 163 Season 2019

163: Lifting Rocks and Peeking at Dirt

163: Lifting Rocks and Peeking at Dirt163: Lifting Rocks and Peeking at Dirt


This episode has it all. From planner and advisor, drones to go fund me, and slowing down killing us. The overnight rich, the long-term poor, and how agriculture slaves serve the avocado toast eaters. But wait, then there's Woodstock and Coachella. And we connect the dots chief.

Show Notes

  1. 00:00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:01:19 Financial Planner or Advisor - The lack of trust from a lack of consistent definition between the word planner and advisor. 
  3. 00:04:14 Laser Sword versus the Drone - A simple low-power and inexpensive presentation tool is taking on the man in the sky.
  4. 00:06:36 Boss, Can you chip into my Go Fund - More employers are offering to help pay off student debt.  Here's an interesting take to secure longer-term employment.
  5. 00:10:00 Slowing Down Will Kill You - Physical wealth is the most important component of the five components of wealth that we've created.  Slowing down physically will kill you.  Don't slow down. 
  6. 00:15:47 Overnight Riches & Next Day Poorhouses - 2020 is right around the corner and the get rich scams are starting their blow out advertising to lure the weak-minded into attending the next and greatest get rich seminar.  Hogwash remains hogwash.
  7. 00:18:13 The Long-Term Rip Off By Way of Insurance - Listen to what Paul Truesdell has to say about long-term care insurance.  This is the man who called it decades ago, especially with Penn Treaty. 
  8. 00:24:02 Agriculture. Weather, and Morals - The weather can and does cause issues with farmers. Are we looking at a natural disaster?  Not likely but tough times could be ahead. It's natural, not man-made.
  9. 00:57:39 Connecting Dots Ending
  10. 00:58:39 After Show Discussion
  11. 01:01:36 Money Lessons from Woodstock 1969, 1994, and 2019

Additional Show notes can be found at

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Today’s Podcaster: Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF | CEO


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