Protein Production Technology Podcast

In this podcast, Ira van Eelen, a key figure in the field of cellular agriculture, discusses her father's pioneering work in cultivated meat, the recent regulatory milestones in the US, and her own contributions to the industry. She shares her father's vision of tissue culture as a food source, which was initially met with skepticism but eventually led to securing patents and research grants. Ira's involvement began when she was contacted by Josh Tetrick, CEO of JUST, who had acquired her father's patents. She continues to advocate for cellular agriculture, emphasizing its potential to address environmental and ethical challenges of traditional animal agriculture. Despite the high cost of production and regulatory hurdles, Ira remains optimistic about the future of cultivated meat and its potential to revolutionize food production and consumption.

Creators & Guests

Nick Bradley
Ira van Eelen

What is Protein Production Technology Podcast?

Helping the industry understand how it will revolutionize modern protein production and help build a healthier, more efficient, and sustainable global protein system