Final Show Films Aggregate Feed

Nikki: DM
Gaynor Norcott: Leo Greencrest - Half-Elf Warlock
April Ray: Trevor - Kobold Ranger
Greg Littleton: Lydell Copperglint - Dwarf Barbarian
Han Evans: Enobara "Barry" Lightfoot - Halfling Monk
Finn: Whirlpool - Water Genasi Wizard
Thanks to all of our supporters at for making this possible!
Especially our $25+ Donors:
Drevian Alexander
Kat Waterflame
Rowan Parker
Samantha Bates

Show Notes



Thanks to all of our supporters at for making this possible!

Especially our $25+ Donors:

  • Antitonic
  • Drevian Alexander
  • Kat Waterflame
  • Rowan Parker
  • Samantha Bates
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is Final Show Films Aggregate Feed?

The aggregate feed of all Final Show Films podcasts