Giant Steps ~ with Doug Van Dorn

Author, pastor, seminary president, former Army Ranger, PhD candidate, classically trained jazz musician, gourmet chef, Nick Kennicott is a man for all seasons. In this episode, we talk about the topic of his dissertation: critical race theory, how is it communism come home to roost in our own country and why it is one of the most important topics we can discuss in the context of our rapidly disintegrating republic. 

What is Giant Steps ~ with Doug Van Dorn?

The Nephilim, Conspiracies, Fatherhood, Theology, Patriotism, and Rock Guitars! What do they all have in common? They are all GIGANTIC in their own rights! We talk about it all, we have opinions, we question it all, and gaslight is the enemy!

"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
but the glory of kings is to search it out."
Proverbs 25:2