Watermark Equipping Podcast

In this episode Oren Martin, Caitlin Van Wagoner, and guest Blake Holmes bring it back to the basics of the Church: the Church's purpose, structure, and history.
Scripture: Acts 20:28, Hebrews, Acts 2, Matthew 16:15-23, Revelation 20, Ephesians 6:12, Leviticus 10
References and Helpful Links:
  1. Martin Luther's 7 Characteristics of the Church
  2. What is the Parachurch? A Christian faith-based organization which carries out its mission usually independent of church oversight
  3. Regulative Principle
  4. The Institutes of the Christian Religion Book 4 by John Calvin
  5. Oren's 100 Word Definition of the Church: 100 word definition of the church: The church is the new covenant people of God, brought about by the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, consists of local gatherings of baptized believers, and is indwelt and gifted by the Holy Spirit to know, serve and glorify her Triune God. Her ministries include proclaiming the whole gospel of God, administering the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and exercising church discipline. Her purpose is worship, discipleship, and missions as she makes the gospel visible and proclaims the gospel to the nations. Her biblical offices are elders/pastors (biblically qualified men) and deacons (biblically qualified men and women).
Learn more about Watermark Community Church at watermark.org

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What is Watermark Equipping Podcast?

The Watermark Equipping Podcast is a monthly conversation about faith seeking understanding from Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. Hosts Oren Martin and Caitlin Van Wagoner explore theological questions to help listeners know God more, so they can love God more.