Brian's Breakdown

Dr. Quentin Van Meter, who has worked on pediatric hormone disorders for decades, discusses the current controversy surrounding the lack of conclusive evidence that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones help children overcome gender dysphoria. TPPF’s Andrew Brown has published new research on gender modification and what state policymakers are doing to protect children

Creators & Guests

Brian Phillips
Brian Phillips is the Chief Communications Officer at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. For over a decade, Brian has helped policymakers and political candidates develop effective messages and communication strategies. Phillips is a veteran of presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial campaigns, and has extensive experience working in the United States Congress and public policy think tanks.

What is Brian's Breakdown?

Brian's Breakdown is your short, sweet, and digestible guide to public policy issues facing the country today. TPPF's Chief Communications Officer Brian Phillips and his guests get right to the heart of the tough questions, important debates, and critical answers to help you understand what it's all about.