FPL Optimized

Bas and Sertalp cover the usual topics with an emphasis on wildcard:
- Model utility measure
- Average projected points (team-level)
- Fixture ticker
- EV changes (player-level)
- Optimal wildcard teams (ensemble/Review)
- Sensitivity analysis results
- Captaincy

Big thanks to Chase (@FPL_Chase), Neil Rankin (@NeilRankinZA), and RobT (@robtFPL) for analysis and visualizations.

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What is FPL Optimized?

Everyone in Fantasy Premier League heard about the data and analytics revolution and realized that the landscape is changing rapidly, but not everyone has time to keep up with the news. We are here to bring you the latest and best about data, analytics, Moneyball approaches to FPL, how it works, advantages, pitfalls, and more. Bas, the eye-test manager, and Sertalp, the analytics manager, compare their notes and talk about FPL from two different angles.
