This week's guest comes from a police department in Canada. I will give a pre-warning, warning that this episode might be incredibly triggering for anyone. We talk openly and frankly about the experiences we have had in our different capacities. I had no idea the depths of sexism/misogyny, Islamophobia, and homophobia in law enforcement culture until I was clear of it for a few months. Able to process the damage properly. With the executive branches of law enforcement failing to protect their officers so dramatically, specifically, and systematically. They do this with blatant disregard for the public, for the member, and for the members families. How could any of us know...thank you for having the courage to stand up and say something. I'm disgusted that the title of this episode is incredibly suitable for this conversation.
What is Voices In Recovery Podcast?
Stories from survivors and warriors living in the world of recovery. We can and do recover in many different ways and these stories are from incredible humans living their second, third, hundredth lives. Tune in for a laugh, a cry, and some information you may not have had yesterday.