Mark Call Show

Mark Call Show Trailer Bonus Episode 133 Season 1

Mark Call Show - 28 December, 2024

News, commentary, and an extended look at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 28 December, 2024.   

Even, or perhaps especially, in what would normally be a "quiet news week," what stories that did get any coverage continue to make the point:

This interval, between that almost-rigged election and the potential January 20th inauguration, are probably the most perilous times in our lives. 

And a "peaceful transition of power," may be the last thing the Deep State intends to allow.  We may well see drones on the White House lawn first.

What is Mark Call Show?

Mark Call is an engineer, avid private pilot, radio amateur, and long-time talk show host, covering issues from law and economics to Scripture.