Connected Divergents

Do you frequently find yourself looking at the clock and saying, "AHHH!! I have no time!! I've wasted my entire day!!!" If this is you, this is the episode for you! Here are some mindset downloads based on neuroplasticity techniques to require your brain to hold different beliefs—(on purpose! Very very very intentionally!!!) and require the actually incredibly neutral trigger point of looking at a clock. This simple shift I talk about in this episode creates nervous system safety, supports unshaming, and is aligned with radical self-acceptance... and also break away from all-or-nothing thinking!! Also, like, hi, your brain has a non-linear perception of time, remember?!?! So when we say, "I don't have enough time"... TIME IS A CONSTRUCT! Have you seen how fast time goes when you hyperfocus?!!??! Have you seen how slow it goes when you're bored!?!?! We can work *with* this part of our brains instead!

What is Connected Divergents?

Learn how to work with your executive dysfunction instead of always feeling like you're trying to fight against it. I'm a Radical ADHD & AuDHD Acceptance Coach, and I teach a harm-reduction approach to ADHD & executive functioning so you can step into your neurodivergence and feel at home in your ADHD brain.