Blank is the Killer

This episode's lineup:

1. Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo! (2020) directed by Maxwell Atoms

2. Jack Frost (1997) directed by Michael Cooney

3. Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000) directed by Michael Cooney

4. Blood Beat (1982) directed by Fabrice-Ange Zaphiratos

5. Spontaneous (2020) directed by Brian Duffield

6. Spree (2020) directed by Eugene Kotlyarenko

7. A Gift

If you liked what you heard, you may be interested in listening to my other podcast 4orMore or watching a horror/comedy called The Bloody Reuben that I wrote and directed.

What is Blank is the Killer?

Welcome to Blank is the Killer, the unoriginal horror movie podcast, where Josh Baker covers six new to him horror movies with a spooky seventh topic at the end. New episodes every other Sunday.