After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff

I was a guest on CR Podcast with Daniel Horowitz on 25MAR2022.

Show Notes

Interview by Daniel Horowitz
(The below transcript may have some errors)

Daniel Horowitz: [00:00:00] I mentioned at the top of the hour, that there are so many voiceless people in this country for whom there is zero political representation. And nowhere is this more evident than in the military because you're silenced, you sign away your life to the. These are people often multi-generation in families that wanted to serve their country.

They love the military. They love the branch of service that they are there. Their fathers and grandparents were in. And yet now they're being forced to take a jab that is outdated. Unnecessary. We have so many issues. We, now we talk about the demon scandal. We're in the military in particular, we have seen an insane amount of.

Injury, just at a, at a conservative level, not just from a database, but from real actual testimony of doctors who treat active duty soldiers. And yet they have nowhere to go. You [00:01:00] have religious exemptions being denied. You have medical exemptions being denied. You have doctors who speak out are being fired.

You have soldiers being dishonorably discharged a year or two away from, uh, their retirement, losing all the benefits sometime they have sometimes having to pay back, uh, you know, training. I've heard of pilots that got damaged, got heart ailments from the first. Declined to take the second shot. And they're told if you don't, you have to pay back what like $3 million worth of, uh, aviation training.

I mean, things like that. Oh, it's over the COVID over the mandate. No, they're not maybe for you, not for the military. And it shocked me how people don't care and it's broadly emblematic of what's going on. I don't have time to really delve into it, but today I have a column. Talking about how Republican for years and still to this day, they only care about quantity, not quality in the military.

So they wrote a desperate letter to [00:02:00] Joe Biden. And what would you think it would be? Oh my gosh. You've got to stop the mandate. You've got to look into demon. You've got to look into the cover-up. You've got to look into people being fired. No, it's all about, we need more money for the military money, money, money, but if you don't change the policies in the military, What good is the money it's going to go more into green energy, more into the licentious.

anti-Christian agenda more into the gender bending. I talk about it into these column. The, you know, it's funny, what's a woman, right? What's a woman. They can't recognize female and nail, except when it comes to shoving them in combat that. Well, they're like, no, there's no difference. Women are men too, except, well, they're not.

So we're going to have lower standards, but they're the same. And they're not the same when it benefits. I mean, this is the stuff we need to be working on. What's our broad strategic vision in the military. You know, you know that that's what the NBA is for first. You look at the scope of their mission.

Then you have the approach. Bill w what, what do we want to [00:03:00] fund? It's always just about dollars dollars, not about policy. Well with us today to bring this all out. Is Dr. Sam piggle off. He's a major in the us army medical Corps. Um, he is, if he was the medical director of the clinic at four, for a while to guy in Arizona, until he was suspended for, for having the audacity to offer medical exemption for people who needed them.

And, you know, he's named in certain court cases for people that were denied. And we can talk about the court cases to be clear, any opinion expressed today from Dr. Is as a family physician is in civilian clothes today, not as a member of the military DOD or the U S government. Um, but again, he was suspended for unprofessional conduct, disseminating misleading information to patients and distributing, uh, and distribution of vaccine exemption letter characterizing vaccines as genetic.[00:04:00

Dr. Major signal off. Thanks so much for joining us today. 

Sam Sigoloff: I thank you for having me on Daniel. Uh, yeah. So I just want to make a real quick, disclaimer. I know you already said it, but any view that I express is solely my own does not, is not the view of DOD of the department, of the army, nor of the U S government.

I am currently on leave, not in uniform. And my public affairs officer is aware of this. 

Daniel Horowitz: Perfect. So, but broadly speaking, you still are generally inactive duty military. You're not retired yet, but you are suspended. So you're a family physician, uh, to be clear, you're not a unit doctor, so you're not dealing with the health of active duty military, primarily you're dealing with the families.

Why first talk about clinically. What you've seen. Um, in your practice among those who have gotten a shot. Okay. 

Sam Sigoloff: Well also, so I just kinda wanna give you a little preface, like you said, I see family members, but I've also been out of practice. So this suspension deals specifically with me [00:05:00] practicing medicine, and I've been taken out of practice since September 13th.

I haven't seen a patient in clinic since September 13th. And when I was seeing patients, I saw, you know, an elderly retiree wife come in and she had rash a rash on her leg shortly after she had. And she said, I have this rash and I look at it and you know, you try to rashes, we'll usually blanche, meaning you push on it and the redness goes away and it comes back.

It was a non blanchable rash. So that's, , that's pinpoint bleeding underneath the skin. And sometimes that can be benign. Sometimes that can be the harbinger of death.

Daniel Horowitz: Yeah. Then we've seen a lot of that and it's been in the document. You've talked to before about nursing women. So you'll deal with kind of, you know, military wives sometimes, uh, we've all talked about the lunacy of pushing an emergency shot on pregnant [00:06:00] women. Something that has never been done at violates every medical ethos around.

Well, what is the suspect that you've seen with nursing women? 

Sam Sigoloff: It's interesting. You bring that up. So one thing that I've learned through this process is when women breastfeed the proteins in their bloodstream are concentrated in their breasts, in their breast milk. And so when you breastfeed your child and you've had this, this, what they're alleging is a vaccine and it's filled with spike protein, and let's say the spike protein is the dangerous part of the virus.

And it is, as we know, um, and it's, you're, you're basically giving your child something that could be quite dangerous and it can cause problems, but then there's the other part of it too. So there's a, there's a couple things going on. There's the lipid nanoparticles, which are fats. And there is a lot of fat in breast milk because children, adults, everyone needs saturated fat.

And, and so that w does that transfer the, those lipid nanoparticles transfer in the breast milk? I don't know. I do know that, [00:07:00] um, per the Pfizer 5.3 0.6 cumulative report, uh, it says that there are problems that they have. Breastfeeding women, about 14% of them. And they have things like irritability.

They'll see rashes, they'll see weight loss, they'll see all these different complications fever. I know one of the four infants that I saw was having fever for four months, every single day for four months. So much that he would be sent. This child would be sent home from daycare because of the fever.

Daniel Horowitz: And you couldn't diagnose anything, but you did know that the mother got the shot. 

Sam Sigoloff: All of these symptoms for these four patients began within a week or two after mom got second shot of Madonna, Madonna, and I, and this, this child, you know, if, if you know anything about medicine, a child who has a fever for extended period of time needs to be evaluated for Kawasaki's and the workup for Kawasaki for that child was negative.

So the child did not have counts. 

Daniel Horowitz: Wow. Wow. I mean, it's very apropos. A couple moments ago, [00:08:00] we were just talking about Madrona pursuing this shot for six months old babies. And, uh, you know, the assumption was that until now, uh, uh, babies and toddlers, haven't gotten the shot. Yeah. I mean, that is something, are they truly an unfettered control group against this?

Because what about the nursing babies? And I mean, what you're saying is nothing new. We know that any nursing women are discouraged from taking any therapeutic whatsoever, uh, that is not affirmatively been proven, paid, or breastfeeding babies, uh, precisely because it does transfer over or, you know, it, it definitely has the potential to, so this is an avenue I just heard you talk about before.

And I, I. Fascinating. Um, it should be noted for our audience. You can find Dr. podcast after hours with Dr. Siegel love, look that up and you can hear him talk about this more. Um, but I do want to get to, you know, kind of moving over from a peer, a doctor to the military and the military doctor. [00:09:00] Um, so one of the things that I've gotten tons of emails, they're heartbreaking from people.

It's not just people getting kicked out. It's. As soon as you apply for an exemption, you are marked, it's like, you're a bad person. You're a bad apple. You won't get good assignments. You won't get promotion. So even if ultimately you've given to the pressure and you get the shot, you are tagged and you're going to have problems in the military for the rest of your career.

Could you elaborate a little bit on your own experience? They took that to, uh, the next level that just for offering. Medical exemption, you got suspended. So to this day you cannot practice medicine in the military. 

Sam Sigoloff: Right? So until I get my privileges back, uh, which we're in the process of, of negotiating for that, um, I can't practice medicine anywhere.

I'm also currently under investigation in Texas. Um, For the misleading information. Um, and it [00:10:00] talks about that. A lot of that information is available in the children. Children's health, defense, uh, article that was written about me. So this is all public information. This is all, um, court documents. You're you're in Arizona.

So I'm licensed in Texas. So the way it works is I have to be licensed in at least one state. And I can practice on any military installation, as long as I have a license in one state. 

Daniel Horowitz: Got it. So here we have a red state grow governor, Greg. Um, and we have the state medical board going after a doctor for expressing concerns about the gene therapy, lipid nano particles.

This is all proven in multiple peer reviewed studies that have now come now and then doing mountain. And this is an allegedly red state under Greg Abbott. And this is happening. We've had another Texas doctor who is in trouble. Um, unbelievable, unbelievable. And everyone needs to make sure that the governor and his staff hears from you.

Sam Sigoloff: Just so you know, there's another army, I'm sorry, there's another military physician. I'm not going to give too many details, but this, this physician sent, sent service [00:11:00] members to a civilian doctor that was an immunologist, the civilian doctor. Who's a specialist and the civilian doctor gave these service members.

An exemption to not get the jab because they, he, he determined that they're allergic to the contents of that, of the jab. And so this, the military physician took that, that paper, put it in their chart and sent it forward for those service members to get an exemption. The military physician is now under suspension and the military physician received the shock.

Daniel Horowitz: Yep. In other words, he wasn't even categorically saying, look broadly at the bio weapon. Probably the thing is destroying humanity. He just said, look, I mean, at a minimum, and everyone knows this, even with the safest of shots that are studied for 10 years and have a much better track record and safety and advocacy than this, a Frankenstein, whatever it is.[00:12:00

Um, you know, the, the allergic reactions that mean that that's known that anything else and you have certain ingredients and, and that's the classic medical exemption. Um, that's been going on in the military. So is that what happened with your patients 

Sam Sigoloff: as well? Right, so I, I wrote, uh, my medical exemption was based on the fact that the lipid nanoparticles kind of what you just discussed.

Um, there are some public documents that, where you can read more about that. Um, However, the lipid nanoparticles. If you look at their material, safety data sheet made by the manufacturer of those lipid nanoparticles, they say that they're not for medical use. They're not for veterinary use they're for research use only, and all safety relies on the end user.

So if I mess up, it's my fault. It's not the company's fault. If they harm me through this, 

Daniel Horowitz: this product.

Sam Sigoloff: It's a, it's a legal document that's placed in the Robert verse Austin affidavit. [00:13:00

Daniel Horowitz: Okay. And, and this is, um, it's not even for veterinarian youth. So they say ivermectin, the horse medicine. When the, of course it's not the human medicine. I mean, there's a few to Merck to this day for meaning, you know, millions of people in Africa,

the L and P is aren't even eligible to be used in animals. Um, and you know, the, the, the toxicity issue. So my question to you is what is different about these LMPs? I mean, we do have the LNP technology to distribute certain cancers. Drug throughout the body. I mean, we have had LMPs what's stupid about 

Sam Sigoloff: this.

So what's interesting is when I first saw the ingredient lists of Pfizer and Moderna, I looked at some Kemp compounds that I had no idea what they were, looked them up DSPC and DSP are actually in both of them. And I found a patent from 2017 and DSPC and DSP II were both patented. For the sole purpose of delivering [00:14:00] drugs through the blood-brain barrier into the brain.

Now, the gestalt as physicians, um, the kind of the feeling and the thing that everyone thought was that the shot would go into your arm and stay in your arm. Then why would they add these compounds that was designed to take it to the brain? 

Daniel Horowitz: Yeah, I mean, Dr. Urso describes it as a garlic dispenser shaker it's designed to get.

Garlic particles every last corner of your body. But 

Sam Sigoloff: what's more interesting about that patent is that's not where it ends. It also talks about the side effects and the problems they have with it. And then I've also found a patent from 2014 that also talks about lipid nanoparticles and how in those two combined the ideas behind them is that there are suppressed immune.

From these lipid nanoparticles, there's the pseudo allergies that people are having. There's all these different problems and they don't even know how long it stays in the human body, because it's a fat soluble [00:15:00] molecule, meaning it can go into every cell. It can stay in the cell membrane of every cell in your body because every cell in your body, the membrane is made of fat.

Daniel Horowitz: Um, That is pretty unbelievable to you share all this information with your superior commander, who is not a doctor. Um, and what's the reaction 

Sam Sigoloff: somewhere early suspended for 

Daniel Horowitz: allegedly defended and then the patients they had their. Uh, 

Sam Sigoloff: correct. So a nonmedical professional took it upon herself to practice medicine by revoking my medical exemptions.

In most places in the world, we call that a felony. However, the FBI, they don't care the CID that's criminal investigation. Um, that's like FBI on post. They didn't care. In fact, I got in trouble for trying to report a serious.[00:16:00

Daniel Horowitz: So just to be clear, I mean, there's no law that they, because the military is kind of different that, you know, the commander could just say, you're getting there, you know, um, you know, your medical exemptions, not, they don't have discretion to say your medical exemptions on that. 

Sam Sigoloff: No, they don't, there's actually law.

And I stated in one of my documents that I've supplied to the courts, um, and as part of my different defenses for various, uh, investigations that I've had against me, but there's actually law that says that if the commander disagrees with the doctor's opinion, then the commander must issue a. It's called quote, fit for duty examination.

That's where the doc that's. When the doctor in the commander's opinion differ, you get someone else to evaluate, to see if this soldier is fit for duty. That was not done. You're saying that never 

Daniel Horowitz: happened. Never happened. You say you're concerned that the ingredients are going to cause allergic reactions.

These patients, they were to be clear. These are not the religious exemptions [00:17:00] that are more carte blanche is very targeted medical exemption. You're a doctor. So you're, you're the one issuing. And they're like, screw that. You're not doing that. Um, now you were also trying to treat patients for COVID as well, because they say COVID is such a big deal, right?

You need to give them an experimental shot, but then when they get COVID what's their treatment regimen, 

Sam Sigoloff: the treatment regimen, as it currently stands on this post is go home. Hope you don't. Now, I 

Daniel Horowitz: know you aren't happy with that. So 

Sam Sigoloff: I started giving ivermectin as there's lots of good evidence behind it.

And then while ivermectin was still a Tri-Care covered benefit, meaning Tri-Care covered it. And I didn't have to have any prior authorization. It was banned from use, meaning there was a person on post that took it upon themselves to issue an order to keep lifesaving medication from going to a patient, even 

Daniel Horowitz: in that individual doctor.

Sam Sigoloff: No, no. And, and, and on top of that, that's withholding [00:18:00] Tri-Care benefits. So someone who is not a physician was going above and beyond what Congress said is available to patients. They took it upon themselves to restrict the medical care.

Since then I Remington has become a prior authorization drug, meaning Tri-Care, won't pay for it to treat COVID. Now, this is a very interesting topic that a lot of patients and even nurses, especially nurses don't seem to understand at all is. And I'm not digging it all nurses. My wife is a nurse and my wife completely understands this whole topic.

So I want to make sure that I'm not digging at nurses. I'm digging at some nurses that don't understand this is because insurance doesn't pay for it. That doesn't mean the doctor can't prescribe. Exactly insurance 

Daniel Horowitz: doesn't and the reason insurance doesn't pay for it is the same political thing. Why they're going after doctors?

I mean, it's redundant manifestation. They all got [00:19:00] together and said, they're going to declare on precedent and war on a drug. Even in worst case scenario, it would be no runs, no hits, no errors. It's an established safety profile. If you disagree, it doesn't work. This is where this type of COVID, this stage is Bergen.

Okay. Whatever. But I mean, we, we, I mean, I don't, you deal with off label, heavy duty stuff all the time, all 

Sam Sigoloff: the time. And I've never been given an order where I can't use any medication off label for anything else in my nine years of experience. 

Daniel Horowitz: Seven years of experience there. Okay. So what happened with you?

What, what, where, what happens with someone like you? Because right now I feel like you have a double mark on you. In other words, your military career is really it in hot water. But because of that, your ability to practice as a doctor, even as a civilian later on in life will be jeopardized as well. So where do things stand 

Sam Sigoloff: with you personally?

And you've hit the nail right on the head. It's [00:20:00] not good enough to get me out of the middle. And they want to destroy my entire life and everything I've worked for and to help save people. Right? Cause if you take my medical license, then I'm unable to practice medicine and physicians spend the majority of their life, not doing other things so that they can learn how to practice medicine.

And so our skills are kind of limited. And so they're not just trying to get me out. They want to destroy everything I've ever worked for and to prevent future patients from ever getting help for. And so, um, like I said, I'm under investigation in Texas. I'm currently trying to negotiate and I've given an offer to see if they'll, let me go.

If the military will let me go and reinstate everything. As many of the concerns they had as alleged misinformation has actually come out and. We just talked about the lipid nanoparticles. I actually had a nurse in a sworn statement to give you an idea of how, how twisted this is. When I was developing these ideas, I showed a nurse and she said, where did you get those, those things saying that it [00:21:00] causes mutation of the genes?

Is that from some Q research? No, this is the material data sheet from the manufacturer of the particle that we're injecting in the people. And the manufacturer says do not put in. But since the FDA said, it's fine. So we'll go stick it in people. 

Daniel Horowitz: So now part of the reprimand that you got, I saw the document and they go by hearsay.

So, um, you're being, you're being reprimanded. They clean the people overheard you. Um, raising concerns about the vaccine. So it wasn't even just an action of that you gave this treatment or counsel people as a patient, but in conversation, is there any precedent for that? And could you just describe a little bit what happened first?

Sam Sigoloff: Yeah, so I was speaking to someone and. I proceed. I perceived and do perceived and is currently a legal battle going [00:22:00] on in multiple courtrooms to find out if this is an illegal order, that soldiers are mandated or military service members are mandated to take this. Um, and so I brought that concern up with someone sitting next to me, that person sitting next to, he put her in a sworn statement.

And now I have a, a memorandum of record reprimand saying, well, you. You said that this was an illegal order and that they shouldn't follow it? Yes. If it's an illegal order, no one should follow it. It's actually our duty to go against it, to go against it. Uh, there's a, there's a time in Vietnam called the mainline massacre.

Those were illegal orders. They should have not been followed. There's a time in Germany where they were given illegal orders. They should not have been followed. Following orders is not a defense. 

Daniel Horowitz: So, you know, it's funny what your case brings out to me is what a lot of people, a lot of average people that are very well-intentioned.

I think the biggest thing they couldn't understand is they say, well, we see such unanimity of opinion. All the [00:23:00] doctors seem to be saying one thing. So it must be true, but what the picture you're painting. Oh, it's obvious why they're saying, oh, one thing, because if you, Joan, what exactly happens to you? Do you get the sense that in the military, that a lot of other doctors are seeing the issues with.

But they're like, I ain't doing what Dan is doing. I mean, he's going on a suicide 

Sam Sigoloff: mission. I think most of them will never see it because they're too spiritually blind to be able to see it. I had in a chat group, I was in on Facebook. I had a pediatric cardiologist say, it's no big deal. It's just a little bit of a mild carditis.

There's no such thing as a, a mild case of myocarditis.

Daniel Horowitz: And there's no guarantee that it's short-term either. And in fact, it's very likely the long-term scarring and everything. And I know, you know, we have a mutual friend in the military that was involved [00:24:00] in a patient, a very healthy pilot that out of nowhere had a stroke liver damage. Every blood panel you can imagine is messed up.

He's in really, really bad. And I mean, picture a young pilot, they should, out of nowhere, she consulted with four other doctors because it touched on various different specialties and you know, all the four other one, you no evil hear no evil about the shot being in a third, you know, a few weeks prior that is not even, uh, on the radar.

So it certainly is a spiritual sight. Um, where are things I know you can't tell about the details, but just in general. Um, so some of your patients, because they denied, they have court cases and you're involved in that. So you have your own core case. 

Sam Sigoloff: So I don't have my own, I'm a plaintiff, I'm a named plaintiff in, and you can read about that in that defender.

Children's health defense, it's all public public there. Um, [00:25:00] and the court documents are all public and it clearly delineates almost date by date, time by time of everything that's happened to me to suppress my vote. And again, I'm sorry I was speaking so cryptically, but there are certain rules that I'm not allowed to speak about.

So I'm referring to those so that you can post, or your listeners can, can find, um, because I can't get myself in more trouble. Um, but you know, I look at Shadrack Misha can happen. And, and they were thrown into a fiery furnace for not bowing to the low the God at the time. And for some reason, this seems that this shot is the God of the time.

And we've got fast. He's saying he is science. So is he that the chief priest of this and, and to, to go against this, they'll remove everything. They'll take your military career, they'll take your medical career, they'll leave you with nothing. And, and I'd rather than. Just like Shadrack community shatter, acne, Shaq, and happen.

Degas would rather go into the fire and it would have been better for them to be burned to death and never [00:26:00] walk again on the face of this earth than it would be to bounce to that false. 

Daniel Horowitz: Big sacrifice that a lot of people aren't willing to make. I mean, uh, just to be clear, did you get your medical education through the military?

Sam Sigoloff: They paid for it. So I went to undergrad, uh, with ROTC scholarship and then I went to med school with an HPSP, which is the equivalent, um, where they pay for medical school. And so I owe until June of 2013. I'm currently, uh, submitted some negotiations or try and get my resignation. I, I did try. 

Daniel Horowitz: He resigned from the military.

You would have to pay that back. 

Sam Sigoloff: Potentially. I tried to send it in. I qualified. Sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah. I tried to submit a non-qualified resignation back in December and because their refusal to, to accept it allowed me enough time to actually become one of the D med whistleblowers. So I do think that was a God.

I got things working in my life. [00:27:00

Daniel Horowitz: Yes. And it should be noted. You are one of the names you were willing to put your name out. There is a lot of other people we know involved in that, but three of you put your name. Now you are one of them. Um, you, that you witnessed the downloading at the time of those data, um, clinically you didn't deal with it as much because you were in a unit doctor, the others war, um, But there are a lot of people that saw that, but I think we can all understand why there are so few people like you, because again, your career is destroyed.

Often you'll have to pay back all your medical education. So it's not like a lot of people are like, I'll find another job. So in the civilian world, it's hard enough, but here, you know, you, you can't 

Sam Sigoloff: find another job and you have no way to make money because you've lost your license. 

Daniel Horowitz: You put your high haven't yet.

And then you've got to pay the, if you're a doctor, you've got to pay back the medical. If you're a pilot, you have to pay back the aviation training. Um, I mean, this is a huge catch 22. And, and, and look, this is where the idolatry you [00:28:00] talk about comes in, right? Because there's one thing you say, the military kind of mandates a lot of shots.

Okay. We see this coming, we have a pandemic mandate, but then it went on and on and on. And, you know, I started talking about the shots in March this time of year, you know, early March, 2021. And, you know, we knew there were problems we started talking about. I could have never met. It would be quite this, that, but we learn and we see you open your Mar mind you open your heart.

I didn't come with this agenda. I was never anti-vaccine before. I didn't even see this coming. It was the truth that led us here and these people refuse to see it. So that's, what's shocking after everything we see after the fact that the variants changed. So it's an expired shot. It's negative efficacy.

Um, the pandemic has been declared over anyway, mainly in the civilian world. Why. Double down on this, you won't even deploy a destroyer because the commander in that case didn't have a, why would you do that? I mean, it just makes no sense, but it is [00:29:00] spiritual and that's where I wanted to end it with you.

Dr. um, do you believe that this is a broader agenda? Not just about an idolatry behind the shot itself, but do you think that. Let's face it. I mean, let's talk about a mutual friend. Okay. Dr. Peter chamber, because that guy is like, you know, he reminds me of what the military used to be gotten the eighties Greenbrae doctor.

I mean, that guy is like, You know, toxic masculinity all the way. I mean, that's what a man, an American special forces. And 

Sam Sigoloff: you obviously use that toxic ingest because real men aren't like 

Daniel Horowitz: that. See what it is, what men are, but what we view as heroic, heroic, and life-saving and what really preserved freedom around the world.

They want people like that out of the military, do you believe [00:30:00] that this is part of the broader, more systemic problem in the military? That not just the shop mandates, but ties into CRT, social engineering and all the other stuff to kick the Christians out of the military. 

Sam Sigoloff: So when, when LA was in, um, the Sodom and Gomorrah and the two angels, the Lord went over and they tried to pull the city, tried to pull them.

There's a lot of things going on with that story. But I think another part of the story that I've recently heard that I like that I never really thought of is it's like living in a society and in your own own home, you can do what you want. You can be in society, but not be in the world, but not of the world.

And, and when they pull you out and make you participate well, now they're making you actually participate in it, like, like with the man who had to be. The Christian man who didn't want to bake a cake to participate in a, in a ceremony, but they forced him to participate. That's just like what was Sodom and Gomorrah is that being in the society and, you know, being in your own home and whatever you want, but it's not, that's not good enough anymore.[00:31:00

You actually have to say it, you have to participate in it. You have to be part of this, this bending of the knee. And to be abundantly clear, even if all of these, you know, alleged vaccines and the shots were completely safe. And let's say it was normal saline that they were sticking in. You would find me in the same place because I'm not going to bend.

I follow God.

Daniel Horowitz: Yeah. I mean, you sound like the type of person that a lot of the higher ups wouldn't want in the military, even divorced from that. And that's unfortunately what we're seeing and you know, it, it ties into that's why you have the CRT curriculum. And things like that because they want to shove it on. You make it, that you have to participate in that curriculum.

So this is just the latest, most immediate way of thinning the herd. It's a way to get all the shares. What, I don't understand your sheep dog. You're you're you're about my age. [00:32:00] What I don't understand is people our age. And then certainly, I mean, gosh, that people going into the military, you know, in the pipeline would be half our age.

It's certainly you get younger who would want to join the military of that ilk. That's what I don't understand. 

Sam Sigoloff: I don't know. And I know my, my son he's, he's fairly young. He's less than 10. And you know, he sees daddy coming home in uniform and he's, he wants to wear his chemo. You know, it looked like daddy is he's not going to be allowed to go in the military ever because the, the trust that that maybe was there, or maybe I was just too naive to see that there shouldn't have been trust, the trust is completely broken because you have these documents that say, oh, it's mandated, they're mandated to get an FDA approved.

And then they, they do this shit quick shift where they say, oh, but you can volunteer to take anything. Now we're going to punish people who didn't volunteer. Because there is no FDA approved community. It doesn't exist. It's never been created. [00:33:00

Daniel Horowitz: Yup. And a part of the judge has said that they're agreed that legally they're not the same.

Um, you know, you can say whatever you want scientifically, but then, okay. So then give full approval to the one that's out, but they didn't well, 

Sam Sigoloff: and Pfizer also, if you look at their, if you look at Pfizer's documents, they have three different. Vials out there that have a different color, top orange, gray, and purple.

And there are different ingredients in each one. And the ones that they say are inactive ingredients. How do we know? How do we know they're actually inactive and they're not actually causing problems? We don't know. One of them is diluted. One of them is not why is there so much variability in one company, 

Daniel Horowitz: one company.

Generate the variability and outcomes and why we're seeing so many different outcomes. Some people not have problems. Some people have mild problems, some people die. And, uh, we have the AMA document from the foyer court decision there. We've [00:34:00] got the foyer documents that demonstrate at least a half a dozen different dosage levels too.

They're not all 30 micrograms from, uh, Pfizer. I mean, and that might shed some light on why. More issues than others. I mean, this is, this is crazy. I mean, even the most minimal things that we know already, which portend a greater problem, but even if that greater thing is, is, is not true, uh, just what we know already make this in moral again, it's over, it's outdated.

It's we have negative ethicacy. Um, and just for 

Sam Sigoloff: the listeners, just for the listeners, the negative efficacy, because we hear a safe and effective, safe, and effective. And when they say safe and effective, there's, there's a wide definition for effective. And one of them can be, it's easy to administer. So it's easy to for healthcare providers to administer, but efficacious is a completely different word.

And it means how well does it work? And negative efficacy means you actually have a greater risk of infection than if you didn't get. [00:35:00] Meaning it offers no protection. 

Daniel Horowitz: All the data we have now demonstrates that they could say they're confounders, but we certainly don't have data affirmatively showing the other way.

So, you know, the countries like the UK that are putting out weekly reports, that is what. Um, and, uh, you know, I know, uh, we have data from the Texas national guard. We've seen negative efficacy, uh, in the military specifically, just to close out that segment here. Can you give me your broad picture on what military families are doing?

What, what has changed in then the last year or two? How is this going to reverberate? Um, cause personally I never joined the military, so I didn't have that emotional attachment. And I was already saying during Obama's time, I said, I would never let a child join the military. There's there's huge problems there.

Um, but you know, there's people that had it in their bloodline, they kept, you know, uh, signing up [00:36:00] even over the last decade. Where do you see that recruitment headed board? 

Sam Sigoloff: I there's people still going in today. I don't, I don't know. Where they're living that they're missing all of this. Um, and maybe they don't have a problem with all this.

Um, but I think medicine and the military are going the same direction and it's a complete shattering of all trust

Daniel Horowitz: medicine and military. It's a very powerful statement. I mean, he can't do it. Without both in a society. And that's how you have a nuclear attack on your own civilization, medicine, and military. So in other words, could I take it Dr. Sigler, that you agree with? My premise and today's column, we have more problems than just needing an extra 5% approach.

So above inflation for FYI 2023 in the military. 

Sam Sigoloff: Oh, we could talk for another couple of hours on, on the potential problems of the future. 

Daniel Horowitz: It's all about [00:37:00] dollars and cents. Just give it defense contractors, more money, and it's all good. Military is in good shape. 

Please see the new Citizens’ Vaccine Injury Reporting System (in English, Spanish and Chinese) 


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What is After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff?

Welcome after after hours with Dr. Sigoloff. This is a place where Dr. Sigoloff can share some of his thoughts and ideas with you. Dr. Sigoloff is a board certified Family Physician and he has been practicing medicine for almost a decade. Dr. Sigoloff is a Doctor of Osteopathy and therefor he has a slightly different approach to medicine. He likes to get to discuss the heart of the issue so that you can be better informed.