Matt Ready Hosts The Mindful Activist

This meeting jumps into the story in 2020 at the most recent board meeting. In this meeting, the board is voting whether or not to approve the board policy book. Matt Ready stirs up trouble as usual for his own narcissistic selfish reasons. Clearly he knows something he's not telling people.

Show Notes

Matt Ready, Matt Ready, Matt Ready.  Everything is about Matt Ready.  Ok not really, but he is technically a politician.  Anyways, this episode catches you up with current events.  What will happen next will happen at the next Jefferson Healthcare Commission meeting, in which Matt Ready will be there alone again with these crazy people who don't believe in free speech, freedom of the press, science, preserving evidence, telling the full truth, human rights over corporate rights.  They probably also don't believe in simulation theory, but what?  You want to talk about simulation theory?  Ok.  Well, its like Descartes said a long time ago.  You are not the most important thing in the universe, so stop trying to force your will upon other people all you warlords.  Back off.  Chill.  Most of you are wealthy, so go back into your private mansion and retire from public view for a while, so the people can fix the world.  The people who have been in power are not necessarily the greatest specimens of humanity.

Do we all agree we want the best of all possible worlds?  Do we want the best of all possible of political systems?  Do we want the absolute best process we can envision as human beings to control and manage the incredible destructive weaponry and other powers that humanity has invented?  We can do better.  Think. Open up your brain.  Listen to Goldie.  Everyone.  Hellooooooo?

What is Matt Ready Hosts The Mindful Activist?

Activist Artist Philosopher Politician Author Matt Ready hosts this one of a kind internet dialogue between him, himself, and the daring few who join his crazy journey. The series that has sat on youtube for years is now finally within reach of the Itunes hive mind. Come ye many talk podcast nuts! Let's get things started.