Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Crafting questions that can lead to better communication outcomes.

Show Notes

The information you receive is only as strong as the questions you ask.
This week we revisit Matt's discussion with Debra Schifrin about how to craft inquiries that can lead to better communication outcomes. Questions are also instrumental in building relationships, Schifrin points out. “If you’re asking questions, you’re signaling to the other person that you value them. You’re taking time to listen to their answers.”


(00:00) Introduction to the Episode and Guest
(01:47) The Role and Importance of Questions
Debra Schifrin discusses the various goals and purposes of asking questions, such as getting information and building relationships.
(02:36) Questions in Building Relationships and Coaching 
Focus on how questions help in building relationships and their use in coaching and mentoring.
(04:41) Negative Aspects of Question Asking
Discussion about the darker goals of asking questions, like intimidation or avoiding responsibility.
(06:57) The Impact of Tone in Question Asking
Examination of how tone can significantly alter the perception and effectiveness of questions.
(08:19) Creating Effective Questions 
Strategies for formulating good questions, emphasizing the use of value-related words.
(10:10) Advice for Business Leaders on Question Asking
Guidance for leaders on the importance of bravery in asking questions and being open to unexpected answers.
(11:53) Context and Best Practices in Question Asking
The relevance of context in questioning and best practices rooted in a mindset of curiosity.
(15:25) Debra Schifrin's Secret Weapon in Questioning
Schifrin's "killer last question" technique and its effectiveness in eliciting insightful responses.
(17:19) Experiment with Different Questioning Styles
An experiment demonstrating the impact of different ways of asking questions on the responses received.
(19:00) Wrap-up and Final Questions
Concluding part where Matt asks Debra Schifrin his three standard questions for all podcast guests, focusing on communication advice, admired communicators, and successful communication ingredients.

Creators & Guests

Matt Abrahams
Lecturer Stanford University Graduate School of Business | Think Fast Talk Smart podcast host

What is Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques?

One of the most essential ingredients to success in business and life is effective communication.
Join Matt Abrahams, best-selling author and Strategic Communication lecturer at Stanford Graduate School of Business, as he interviews experts to provide actionable insights that help you communicate with clarity, confidence, and impact. From handling impromptu questions to crafting compelling messages, Matt explores practical strategies for real-world communication challenges.

Whether you’re navigating a high-stakes presentation, perfecting your email tone, or speaking off the cuff, Think Fast, Talk Smart equips you with the tools, techniques, and best practices to express yourself effectively in any situation. Enhance your communication skills to elevate your career and build stronger professional relationships.

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