Oblivious Games

Did you spend all your holiday money on GameStop shares? Nope, we didn’t either. Some folks did, and they made out like bandits. We do our best to break down one of the most bizarre stories of the year and find out what exactly happened to put GameStop across every news headline.

Also, Genshin Impact is back in the news. Wait, they never left. This time we aren’t talking about a new broken character, a massive update, or streamers wasting a lotta money. This one is about the creators. But if you were worried that only the gamers are subjected to that lovely gacha system, I’ve got a story for you.

Rounding out the episode we have details on Season of the Chosen from Destiny, early PS5 sales numbers, and even some halo news.

All that and more coming up on this week's episode of Oblivious Games! Right now!

Electric Mantis - Daybreak

What is Oblivious Games?
