Behavior Gap Radio

Tag along with Carl in this special early morning edition of Behavior Gap Radio as he shares his reflections from a transformative retreat with financial advisors at his home in Utah.

Despite the tactical challenges we face, Carl reveals that the root of our struggles often lies in fear. Through personal anecdotes and heartfelt insights, he explores how we can find tactical answers easily but struggle to act due to underlying fears. Discover the power of embracing the quiet, calm voice within us, urging us to slow down and find contentment amidst a world demanding more, bigger, and faster.

Do you want announcements about future retreats at Carl's home? Just tell him where to send your invitation:

What is Behavior Gap Radio?

Greetings, Carl here.

This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me.
