Really Dicey - TTRPG Reviews, Interviews and More!

Manny discusses Sand and Dust - The Arrakis Sourcebook for Modiphius Entertainment's Dune: Adventures In The Imperium roleplaying game with Dune RPG Line Manager Andrew Peregrine. We go over the major sections of the book, talk about Arrakis, and hear about future projects.

Show Notes

Manny discusses Sand and Dust - The Arrakis Sourcebook for Modiphius Entertainment's Dune: Adventures In The Imperium roleplaying game with Dune RPG Line Manager Andrew Peregrine. We go over the major sections of the book, talk about Arrakis, and hear about future projects.

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Welcome to Really Dicey, where we interview the creative minds behind your favorite role playing games, as well as do reviews from time to time.