Liquidation Preference

When it comes to starting a business, you want to get it right from the beginning. Like a good stout beer, forming your company correctly provides you a strong base to build upon. In this discussion we cover what type of entity your startup should be, and which state it should be formed in. Grab a drink and enjoy. Cheers!

Show Notes

When it comes to starting a business, you want to get it right from the beginning. Like a good stout beer, forming your company correctly provides you a strong base to build upon. In this discussion we cover what type of entity your startup should be, and which state it should be formed in. Grab a drink and enjoy. Cheers!

What is Liquidation Preference?

Hosted by Fort Worth-based startup attorney Andrew Kussmaul, Liquidation Preference is the podcast that discusses everything founders need to know about startup law and venture capital over a beverage of their choice.