The Proof Point


Overwhelmed by the endless debate between brand awareness and demand creation?

Mark Huber (UserEvidence), Liam Moroney (Storybook Marketing), Sydney Sloan (G2), and Sam Kuehnle (Loxo) break down the real differences and why getting it right matters more than ever.

What’s working in B2B marketing:

Understanding your audience isn’t enough. The best brands are fixated on solving customer problems, which drives authentic connection and loyalty.

What’s not working in B2B marketing:

Lumping brand awareness and demand creation together is a mistake. Knowing when and how to leverage each is crucial for driving both immediate results and long-term growth.

The key takeaways
  • Customer-first focus: Fall in love with solving customer problems, not just promoting your product. This approach builds trust and positions your brand as a true partner in success.
  • Clear, direct messaging: Clarity beats cleverness every time. Make sure your brand message isn’t lost in jargon—be straightforward about what you offer and why it matters.
  • Evidence over opinions: In a market full of noise, hard proof stands out. Use data and real-world results to back up your claims, reinforcing trust with your audience.
  • Targeted demand creation: Move beyond broad brand awareness. Create targeted, meaningful demand by showing why your solution is the best choice for specific problems.
  • Long-term success: Don’t get lost chasing quick wins. Focus on building lasting relationships and sustainable growth by prioritizing high-quality engagement over vanity metrics.

The things to listen for
(00:00) Intro
(01:17) Why brand awareness and demand creation aren’t the same
(04:35) Love the problem more than the product
(07:22) How customer fixation drives successful marketing strategies
(11:08) The dangers of blurring brand and demand
(14:43) Why simplicity beats cleverness in messaging
(19:12) How data-driven marketing builds trust
(22:57) Targeting your ideal customer profile with demand creation
(27:36) Long-term growth strategies vs. chasing quick wins
(31:48) The role of evidence in building a trustworthy brand
(36:54) Key insights and final thoughts from the guests

What is The Proof Point?

Proof is what GTM leaders need to make fast and furious decisions that keep their businesses alive and thriving.

The Proof Point hosts conversations anchored in the reality of day-to-day life as a revenue leader. No algorithm-hacking, talk-track headlining buzz statements around here. We’re hosting conversations between GTM leaders so we can gather the facts and provide you with the tactics and tools you need to bulletproof your strategy.

Join host Mark Huber every other week as he invites the best GTM leaders into the conversation.