Ripped From The Wall

This semester, Ripped from the Wall dove into the story of Reno, the lost city that Fort Reno Park and Alice Deal Middle School in Tenleytown were built on in the mid 1900s. The story of what happened to this primarily Black community is one that embodies the hidden violences of Washington’s development.

Show Notes

Thanks for listening to Ripped From the Wall. Our team of reporters consists of:
Audrey Hill
Helena Milburn
Matheus Kogi Fugita Abrahao

This episode was produced by Grace Vitaglione. 
Make sure to check out past episodes of Ripped from the Wall on Spotify as well as the print version of this story on our website, 
Thanks for listening!

What is Ripped From The Wall?

Ripped From The Walls is AWOL's first podcast series. In this series, reporters for AWOL dig into hard-hitting, investigative reporting about controversies at American University and The District.

AWOL Magazine is American University's progressive rabblerousers. Our publication comes out twice a year. Interests include investigative journalism, critical thinking and social justice.