
If our experiences shape our perspective, do you believe God is a perfect Father?

Show Notes

Do you believe God is a perfect Father? If the experience with the dad you grew up with left you really hurt, or your dad was gone from your life, you have a skewed view of father. Or maybe you have a great relationship with your dad, but it's hard to see God taking over that role in your life. Either way, the reality is our experiences shape our perspective of the idea of God as our perfect Father.

Listen in as Ben shares with us what the Bible says about God as our perfect Heavenly Father, and as he asks the question, "what does this mean for us?" We have access to a Father who can shape our identity. Do we take advantage of that? Do we understand the depths of God's love in a way that changes us? Are we walking in shame because we don't believe He could love us? Or are you even a child of God? Do you know that the Creator of the universe is offering to adopt you? Have you accepted that offer?

These are the questions we have to ask when we think about how our experiences shape our perspective. Do you have the right perspective?

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Creators & Guests

Ben Fuqua
Pastor of Young Adult Ministries, Christ Chapel Bible Church - Fort Worth Campus

What is Renovate?

Renovate is for young adults in Fort Worth, TX – whether you’re in college, living the post-grad life, figuring out how to adult on your own or venturing into young married life, come find community at Renovate. Visit us online at or find us on social media @renovateftw.