Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast

Fear the 'Fro is back with Evan Mobley's extension in the bag.  But today, we have a special guest.  Bob is joined by the voice of your Cleveland Cavaliers... Tim Alcorn!  Bob and Tim discuss the current state of the Cavs, and then have a lengthy discussion about how Tim came to follow in the footsteps of Cavaliers broadcast legend, Joe Tait.  Plus, an anthem in celebration of Evan's extension (that barely mentions Evan's extension).

(0:00) Intro (Tim, if you're reading this... please skip this portion of the pod)
(5:41) Tim Alcorn joins Bob to talk the Cavs offseason
(27:39) How Tim Alcorn came to become the Voice of the Cavs

Creators & Guests

Tim Alcorn
Cleveland Cavs Radio Play by Play. Husband and also father of 4 GREAT CHILDREN. Buffalo Bills fanatic. Political junkie.

What is Fear the 'Fro: A Cleveland Cavaliers Podcast?

A Cleveland Cavs and NBA-centric basketball podcast from lifelong Cavaliers fan, Bob Schmidt. Reach Bob at bob@fropod.com, or @fearthefropod on Instagram, and X (Twitter).