Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

Matt takes live questions from his worldwide audience.

Show Notes

Matt takes live questions from his worldwide audience. 
Join Matt Abrahams engaging with his international audience and answering questions that touch upon some of today's most pressing communication challenges. Matt offers advice on everything from the nuances of crafting clear, impactful questions and navigating emotional dynamics in group settings to maintaining control during presentations and delivering difficult news.
Additionally, listeners are treated to innovative strategies for creating memorable introductions and managing disruptive behaviors in group discussions. This episode, taken from a Think Fast Talk Smart live event, offers practical tips and strategies; its a value add for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills in personal and professional contexts.

Episode Reference Links:
  • Ep 67, What Is Normal? How Culture Affects Communication Styles - Website / YouTube
  • Ep 105, Radical Candor: The Communication Shift That Can Transform Your Career - Website / YouTube
  • Ep 78, Three Guiding Principles for Successful Communication - Website / YouTube



(00:00:00) Introduction and Overview of Part Two
(00:01:11) Formulating Relevant Questions 
Crafting relevant questions in high-pressure situations. Matt outlines a three-step process for developing concise questions that address the key issues, and provide the person answering with a hook. 
(00:03:14) Managing Emotional Discussions 
How to handle a group discussion that gets emotional reactions by acknowledging emotions and using paraphrasing to refocus the conversation.
(00:05:32) Navigating An Audience Hijacking Your Presentation
Set clear boundaries and expectations at the beginning of the presentation, along with effective paraphrasing.
(00:08:25) Communication Structures for Delivering Difficult Messages 
How to employ the "What, So What, Now What" or the “Comparison, Contrast, Conclusion” structures when giving difficult news, or feedback.
(00:10:25) Effective Cross-Cultural Communication 
When communicating effectively in a multinational company, Matt emphasizes empathy, repetition, and deep listening.
(00:12:51) How to Get Creative With Our Introductions 
Matt suggests starting with a provocative statement and then your name, in order to set an expectation for who we are and what's important to us. 
(00:14:51) Handling a Difficult or Challenging Person in Groups 
Matt recommends constructive feedback and the strategic use of paraphrasing to manage disruptions.
(00:17:13) Conclusion

Creators & Guests

Matt Abrahams
Lecturer Stanford University Graduate School of Business | Think Fast Talk Smart podcast host

What is Think Fast Talk Smart: Communication Techniques?

Join Matt Abrahams, a lecturer of Strategic Communication at Stanford Graduate School of Business, every Tuesday as he sits down with experts in the field to discuss real-world challenges.
How do I send my message clearly when put on the spot? How do I write emails to get my point across? How can I easily convey complex information? How do I manage my reputation? Whether you’re giving a toast or presenting in a meeting, communication is critical to success in business and in life.
Think Fast, Talk Smart provides the tools, techniques, and best practices to help you communicate more effectively.
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