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Between Shelves
Episode 4
Season 1
Episode 4: Identity & Meta-Modernism
Welcome to Between Shelves, where we make connections between literature, theology, philosophy, psychology and culture. Join us as we explore the interconnectedness of race, spirituality, psychology, and meta-modernism. Each episode invites you into a thought-provoking journey, unpacking how these elements shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. We invite you to Between Shelves to Learn, Listen and Become.
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Episode 4: Notes
Identity & Meta-Modernism
In this episode of Between Shelves, we take a deep dive into how Meta-Modernism invites us to reconsider the concept of identity in the 21st century. Moving beyond rigid definitions and binaries, we explore how this cultural movement embraces fluidity, paradox, and multiplicity in shaping our understanding of self and society. Through literature, philosophy, and art, we unravel the interplay between personal authenticity and collective belonging, asking: What does it mean to "be" or “become” in an era where identities are constantly evolving? How can we hold space for complexity and contradiction in our own journeys? Join us as we navigate the intersections of race, gender, culture, and spirituality, uncovering how Meta-Modernism challenges outdated frameworks and opens new possibilities for self-discovery and connection. Whether you’re a seeker, a scholar, or simply curious, this episode offers thought-provoking insights into the stories we tell about who we are.
Below is a list of books and films mentioned in our podcast discussions. We've included Amazon affiliate links for your convenience, allowing you to easily access the materials we reference. By using these links, you're directly supporting our podcast project. Thank you for your continued support!
Our Podcast Bibliography
The Role of Cinema in Shaping Identity
The Birth of a Nation. D.W. Griffith, 1915.
Arrival. Denis Villeneuve, 2016.
Everything Everywhere All at Once. Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, 2022.
Moonlight. Barry Jenkins, 2016.
Modernism vs. Meta-Modernism in Racial Discourse
Severan, A, and Brendan Graham Dempsey. Metamodernism and the Return of Transcendence. VT: Palimpsest Press, 2021.
Stoev, Dina. “Metamodernism or Metamodernity.” Arts 11, no. 5 (September 21, 2022): 91.
Van, Robin, Alison Gibbons, and Timotheus Vermeulen. Metamodernism : Historicity, Affect, and Depth after Postmodernism. NY: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017.
Vermeulen, Timotheus, and Robin van den Akker. “Notes on Metamodernism.” Journal of Aesthetics & Culture 2, no. 1 (January 2010): 5677.
Decolonization & Identity Reconstruction
Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. NY: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2011.
Guevara, Che , and John Gerassi. Venceremos! The Speeches and Writings of Ernesto Che Guevara. London: Panther Books, 1969.
Reimagining Religious Frameworks & Identity
Faber, Roland. God as Poet of the World: Exploring Process Theologies. KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2008.
———. The Ocean of God: On the Transreligious Future of Religions. NY: Anthem Press, 2019.
Keller, Catherine, and Anne Daniell. Process and Difference: Between Cosmological and Poststructuralist Postmodernisms. NY: State University of New York Press, 2002.
———. Cloud of the Impossible Negative Theology and Planetary Entanglement. Columbia University Press, 2014.
Meland, Bernard Eugene. Faith and Culture. Southern Illinois University Press, 1972.
Sallis, John. Force of Imagination. Indiana University Press, 2000.
Waldron, Aaron. A Strange Fruit: A Theopoetics of Slavery in Amerika. CT: Lost Raven Studios, 2024.
Meta-Modernism: Embracing Complexity
Whitehead, Alfred North. Adventure of Ideas. NY: The Free Press, 1933.
———. Modes of Thought. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1968.
———. Religion in the Making: Lowell Lectures 1926. NY: Fordham University Press, 1996.
———. Science and the Modern World. NY: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
———. Symbolism: Its Meaning and Effect . NY: Cambridge University Press, 1958.
Whitehead, Alfred North, David Ray Griffin, and Donald W Sherburne. Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology. NY: The Free Press, 1985.