Dare To Rise

This week, Nicole and Tina Kay are joined by Sonya Watkins, a first-time author who was drawn to tell not just her story, but the story of her son, Ronny, after his untimely passing from an accidental overdose.

Show Notes

This week, Nicole and Tina Kay are joined by Sonya Watkins, a first-time author who was drawn to tell not just her story, but the story of her son, Ronny, after his untimely passing from an accidental overdose.

Ronny (36) also known as FERST, to an accidental drug overdose. Learning that Ronny was an OG (Original Gangster) in one of the largest street art gangs in Phoenix wasn't the only surprise she learned from his death. In her memoir Love Ferst, Sonya tells of her painful yet exquisite, unexpected lessons she learned about the pure love of Christ through the example her son Ronny lived.

Follow Sonya's journey on Facebook and Instagram.

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What is Dare To Rise?

Dare to Rise is a show about overcoming life's obstacles together, and sharing our stories with each other.