UNFOLLOW Trailer Bonus Episode 11 Season 1

UNFOLLOW - Leading in the Dark

UNFOLLOW - Leading in the DarkUNFOLLOW - Leading in the Dark


Leading in the Dark... Driving at night can be four-times deadlier than daytime because of decreased visibility and increased driver error. Leading a business or team during uncertainty (or a global pandemic?) can be just as treacherous, especially if you're unprepared or overdependent on familiar tools. In this episode, AP and DC offer stories, learnings and failures from the frontlines of budget cuts, bankruptcy & re-orgs and other crises that can make or break a business. How do you build a high-trust team in times of low-visibility? Are there really proven principles we can use to navigate unproven times? We think so. Sometimes the 3 most powerful words are "I need help." Listen in and join the conversation.

Show Notes

Leading in the Dark... Driving at night can be four-times deadlier than daytime because of decreased visibility and increased driver error. Leading a business or team during uncertainty (or a global pandemic?) can be just as treacherous, especially if you're unprepared or overdependent on familiar tools. In this episode, AP and DC offer stories, learnings and failures from the frontlines of budget cuts, bankruptcy & re-orgs and other crises that can make or break a business. How do you build a high-trust team in times of low-visibility? Are there really proven principles we can use to navigate unproven times? We think so. Sometimes the 3 most powerful words are "I need help." Listen in and join the conversation.

Books Mentioned:
Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter by Liz Wiseman
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein
Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink


"AP" Adrian Parker
Twitter @adriandparker
Instagram @adriandparker
Blog www.adriandparker.com

"DC" Daryl Calfee
Instagram @darylcalfee


Good advice is often like fruitcake - we’ve all been given some but do we want it? Join us as we challenge seemingly good theories that lead to bad decisions in business, faith and family. We are Adrian Parker and Daryl Calfee, 40-year-old marketers fueled by a passion for humble, honest storytelling and recipients of master’s degrees in really dumb ideas. Luckily, we’ve worked with and for really amazing brands – Foot Locker, Nike, Moore & Giles Leather, Patrón Tequila, Kate Spade – while learning to embrace unconventional lessons. Normal ain’t working.

We’ll expose our scars and share stories on tough topics like making (and losing) money, juggling work and family, handling racial injustice, raising future adults and confronting Christianity’s hard questions. You’ll journey with us as we lead our teams, our businesses and ourselves by design, not default.