The Sound

Tonight on The Sound we bring you the self-titled debut album from Winona artist Blunt Blade. Blunt Blade draws on indie, hard rock, electronic and classical music; fusing these influences to craft his own unique and original sound. Their bio at also includes a twist of dance and a sprinkle of disco… well I say sprinkle on a disco shirt and twist up some dance moves, I’m Bill Stoneberg with Winona’s own Blunt Blade, tonight on The Sound.
Original air date: 09/14/22.

Show Notes

Tonight on The Sound we bring you the self-titled debut album from Winona artist Blunt Blade. Blunt Blade draws on indie, hard rock, electronic and classical music; fusing these influences to craft his own unique and original sound. Their bio at also includes a twist of dance and a sprinkle of disco… well I say sprinkle on a disco shirt and twist up some dance moves, I’m Bill Stoneberg with Winona’s own Blunt Blade, tonight on The Sound.
Original air date: 09/14/22.

What is The Sound?

In studio interview show centered around local and regional music releases. Includes music from the featured album and discussion with the artist(s) about the writing, recording and distribution processes. Might sometimes include producers and engineers involved on the featured album.