The City Table

More Greek words? Yes! This week, three Greek words that captures how the early church understood the How’s and Where of it’s lived out faith in public spaces. There are numerous texts in the New Testament referred to as the “politeia” texts, these amazing verses lay out how every believer was to be a “benefactor” to culture and display the “good works” of Jesus in their cities. They lay out God’s plan for serving civic leaders as Spirit-led ambassadors, so that they see our good works and glorify God because of us. These “good works” are to be Jesus working through us to steward his new Creation in our workplaces and cities.

Jon Petersen's books 'Unravelled' [CityForce, 2018] and 'Unveiled' [CityForce 2019] are available on Amazon, and you can connect with Jon and Ken at They would love to hear from you.

What is The City Table?

What would it look like to transform our cities with the Gospel of the Kingdom? It would start with our own personal transformation, flow into the transformation of our community, and then it would spread into our workplaces and neighborhoods. After decades of experience in bringing transformation to various cities around the globe, Jon Petersen and Ken Janke have a passion to ignite "hungry hearts" with the joy of becoming transformational people. The City Table Podcast features their stories, lessons learned, musings and humor. Welcome to the Table where all are invited, all are encouraged, and all are released into God's dream for their cities.